Sept 2022 → Present

When I look back on my past to understand what helped me achieve my goals, all signs point to community. When I move forward with the support of peers with the same goal, it becomes so much easier to push past obstacles, believe in my vision, and keep moving forward—even if it takes years.

So I decided to go on a quest to learn the ins and outs about community. What does a good community look like? What trends do they have in common? Can I build my own? Who out there is investing time and energy into building a community, and why?

During my explorations, I visited new communities, looked critically at my own, and built a few at well. Below you’ll find some pieces I wrote detailing what I learned in this process.

My Community Building Journey

Most recently, I’ve been building Coaching Corner, an online space for coaches to support other coaches, and Jellytown, an in-person community that connects people in the Bay through curiosity, creativity and storytelling. I’m also heavily involved in the ultimate frisbee community. Here are some posts I’ve written about participating and contributing to these spaces.


Exploring New Communities

In September 2022, I decided to visit the most interesting in-person communities I could find in the Bay Area. I visited 20 in-person communities across the Bay Area, participated in communities, and built a few as well.


Personal Blog

Past Explorations

In-Person Communities

Taking Sabbatical

Talking to Strangers

28 Days on the Pacific Crest Trail

6 Months in New Zealand


About Me





Career Coaching Website