In June 2021, I decided to leave my job and take some time off (you can learn more about why here). My last day was on a Friday. The very next day, I was on the road, headed towards Lone Pine, ready to hike a section of the Pacific Crest Trail.

In the next month, I went on to hike 300 miles. There was no internet. No cell service. All I had was my backpack, my hiking companion, and a whole lot of walking. It was in that month that, for the first time, I surrendered myself to the quiet and peace that the wilderness had to offer. I turned off the noise of societal expectations and social pressures, and I simply learned to be.

Now that I'm back in society, I can already feel the ways of the trail fading. The pace of modern day life is hard to fight, as are its expectations. But I hope my writing here can preserve what it is I found in that glorious month on the trail.


PCT Posts

Personal Blog

Past Explorations

In-Person Communities

Taking Sabbatical

Talking to Strangers

28 Days on the Pacific Crest Trail

6 Months in New Zealand


About Me





Career Coaching Website